Wednesday, October 31, 2007

show at Regeneration

its a "green" store selling recycled, sustainable, fair-trade gifts, clothing, etc. (i am partial to the shoes). it is located at 1649 colorado boulevard eagle rock, ca 90041 (for those of us who know the neighborhood, its next to fatty's and spitting distance from the chalet).
On November 10, from 7-9 PM, Kelly the proprietress of regeneration, the lovely Ayana, and i will be hosting a reception party for art veiwing and general hanging out. i will bake chocolate chip cookies. if anyone can come i will be really really happy. the show will be up until january 1 so go see it while you are christmas shopping.

found still lives

andre breton wrote, " the image is the pure creation of the mind. it cannot be born from a comparison but from a juxtaposition of two more or less distant realities. the more the relationship between the two juxtaposed realities is distant and true, the stronger the image will be-the greater its emotional power."

the juxtaposition of disparate objects and realities became one of the cornerstones of the surrealist aesthetic.
i have been photographing haphazard juxtapositions on the streets of l a and elsewhere for years. surrealism blends seamlessly back into realism when discarded objects carry with them some of their symbolic meanings into the trash heap.
i think the shoes in the sink picture is the best example of this, especially as it rests serenely free of plumbing next to a telephone pole.
the stilleto boot strung up on the gate chain is amazing on its own, without being painted. you will have to believe me that i found it that way and did not alter the scene.
the balanced chairs remind me of aging and tattered ballet dancers performing one last graceful lift, expressing a sad love at the end of their time.
these are oil paintings on chunks of beam that i found at a construction site near my house.
cubes approximately 5"x5"x5".

Monday, October 29, 2007


" though all Combray had consisted of but two floors joined by a slender staircase, and as though there had been no time there but seven o'clock at night." Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past


"People go in search of ghosts whenever they return, after a long absence, to a place where they once lived." -Philip Roth